Monday, February 21, 2011

Why I've Been Ignoring You (aka "A Good Way to Show Off)

Remember Me? I'm that girl you know that has that decent blog that is sometimes funny. Right, this one. This terribly out of date one.

Well, I have a good reason. It's called an Art Minor. And it takes up so. much. time. So I'm going to show you some of the things that have been occupying my time in hopes that you will no longer be sad that I've been gone. 

Here are two of the projects from my Sculpture class. I don't have the third back yet, but I'll be getting it soon and will share it, too!
This gun is made out of quarter inch steel bar, handshaped and welded.
I covered the frame with AriZona Green Tea cans, and added some decoration.
It measures about 27"x16"x4". It's meant to hang on the wall, "discharging" the bird bullets, pictured below.
These measure about 2.5" in diameter.
This next one is a cupboard inspired by Lewis Carroll & Sir John Tenniel's Alice in Wonderland (Probably my biggest obsession)

It's supposed to be the White Rabbit's Vest :)

This piece measures about 15"x13"x7"

Last semester I also had a drawing class... Here are a few of the bigger projects.

This project is based on a Bob Dylan song, "A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall"
The Lyrics I picked out of a hat were, "I met a young child beside a dead pony"

Morphing Project

Still Life

This semester, I have another two art classes, oil painting & 3-D design. I'll keep putting pictures up as I get things back :)


  1. Tracie!!!! Your cupboard is so cool! Glad for these recent couple of posts, you crack me up.

  2. Love the gun, very cool! I should show you the tanker trucks and construction equipment my grandpa makes out of beer and pop cans.

  3. Thanks Liz!
    And yeah, Sara! I'd love to see them.
