Today, a little more than 3 years since I've posted last, I have finally recovered my account and plan to update again. Here's a quick recap on what's been going on in the last 3 years that has kept me away:
1. Got a new job
2. Moved
3. Got another new (better) job
4. Moved.
5. My boyfriend moved in with me.
6. We got two kittens
7. He got a new job.
8. We moved.
9. We got married.
So, three moves, two cats, and a new last name later, I am ready to beguile you with various and random posts to entertain, amuse, and... umm. Mostly entertain and amuse you.
BUT, with 3 more years of wisdom (and with Pinterst being a thing now) I know I really have to step my game up. So, the blog will meander from before-and-afters to recipes to reviews to DIY crafts and whatever else I can think up.
I can't wait to get started and hope you're excited, too!